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Aim and objectives

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The study of Ancient History in Stage 6 enables students to:

  • develop knowledge and understanding of the ancient world, historical skills, and values and attitudes essential to an appreciation of the ancient world
  • develop a lifelong interest in the study of history
  • prepare for active and informed citizenship in the contemporary world.


Knowledge and understanding


  • develop knowledge and understanding of a range of features, people, places, events and developments of the ancient world in their historical context
  • develop an understanding of continuity and change over time.



  • undertake the process of historical inquiry
  • use historical concepts and skills to examine the ancient past
  • communicate an understanding of history, sources and evidence, and historical interpretations.

Values and attitudes


  • appreciate the influence of the past on the present and the future
  • value the contribution of the study of Ancient History to lifelong learning, and active and informed citizenship.
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